Courage Coaching
Courage is the quality of being ready and willing to face negative situations involving danger or pain.

Fight Flight Freeze
You learn about fight or flight, but no one ever mentions
the third alliterative option - freeze. — Nina Malkin
This is a 1:1 private, personalized online session.
In this 1.25 hour Discovery session, you will gain eye-opening awareness of how your unique response to fear affects the way you breathe....which affects the way you think and behave.
This will help you choose if working with Jillian further is the best action you can take to break thru and stop being controlled by your fear and start being empowered fully by your heart.
Price: $ 200
Fearlessness is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness is
Fearlessness Break thru is 3 private, personalized 1 hour sessions. In each 1.25 hour you will:
● Gain eye-opening awareness of how your unique response to fear affects the way you breathe....which affects the way you think and behave.
● Discover your unique breathing patterns that are related to fear-based thinking.
● Learn how to change your breathing to neutralize the energy of fear so your heart and mind can work together.
This is the first step to living life to the fullest - Fearlessly.
Price: $555

Courage Coaching
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E. Cummings
Courage Coaching is 8 private, personalized 1.25 hour sessions. In each 1.0 hour you will:
● Experience a Fearlessness Breakthru
● Discover the gem hidden beneath your fear, activating your personal power in its totality.
● Learn powerful and proven breathing techniques to be calm & centred, neutralizing thoughts & emotions based in fear.
● Free yourself from what has been holding you back, from feeling stuck and unable to move forward.
● Cultivate courage, clarity and confidence from within
● Become resilient, adaptable, evolved
Transforming the contraction of fear into the expansion of life with COURAGE
Total Investment: $1000